LINK TO PARENT PORTAL: and from the LIVE SITES drop-down menu choose “Chazy.”
Chazy Central Rural School has changed over to a new Student Management System called SchoolTool. We will no longer be using PowerSchool. The SchoolTool Parent Portal is one of the many ways to keep in touch with you regarding your child’s academic progress, and is available to all parents of CCRS students.
The Parent Portal is a component of the SchoolTool student information system, and allows parents/guardians to view their child’s class schedule, grades, assignments, attendance record and contact information from any device that can access the Internet.
Use the links below to access the Parent Portal Account Request form, user guides and tutorials explaining how the SchoolTool Parent Portal works as well as the SchoolTool login page itself.
If you have any questions about the SchoolTool Parent Portal, please feel free to contact Amy Racine for grades 7-12 at 518-846-7224 ext. 501/[email protected] and Robert McAuliffe for grades K-6 518-846-7135 ext. 517/[email protected].
Parent Portal Account Request Form